Day 40
Missionaries of Merciful Love
"I have come to cast fire on the earth"
Day Forty

Revelation 3:19-20

I reprove and train those whom I love: so repent in real earnest. Look, I am standing at the door, knocking. If one of you hears me calling and opens the door, I will come in to share a meal at that person's side.


Jesus loves us too much too allow us to remain in our sin: He calls to us to repent, to turn away from everything that would lead us away from loving union with Him. His invitation is to share a sacred meal with Him: The meal of His own Body and Blood. We have reached the conclusion of our forty day journey. Today is a day of decision. 


Thank You, Lord Jesus, for this forty day journey I have made with you. Please help me to know Your will for my life at this time and if you are calling me to join the Missionaries of Merciful Love.  I love you Jesus.


If you decide God is calling you to join the Missionaries of Merciful Love, please email us at and let us know that you have finished the 40 day course. You will then receive a free e-book called A Year of Merciful Love, which is our official MML Novitiate Manual.  You may now pray the prayer of personal commitment for one year. 

Simply read a page a day from the MML Novitiate Manual for a period of one year, pray about what you are reading and try your best to put it into practice in your daily life. After you have completed reading our MML Novitiate Manual, please email us at 

We will help you to make your permanent profession as a member of the Missionaries of Merciful Love

God bless you! 

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Divine Mercy image copyright The Marians.
Used with permission.