MML Membership

Merciful Love
Rule of Life
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Merciful Love
To join the Missionaries of Merciful Love you must meet the following requirements:

1. You must be a member of the Catholic Church.

2. You must be at least 18 years of age. 

Seven Steps to Joining the 
Missionaries of Merciful Love

Fill out the MML Inquiry Form

Take the MML 40 Day Spiritual Preparation Course. 

E-mail us at to let us know that you have finished the MML 40 Day Spiritual Preparation Course, 
Just click the file on the right to download the ebook. Please wait for it to download as it is a large file.

It is our official MML Novitiate Manual.  If you prefer a paperback copy of our MML Novitiate Manual, you can purchase it for $35.00 which includes shipping and handling. 

After we have responded to your email you can then make the Prayer of Personal Committment  and do your best to live the Way of Life of the Missionaries of Merciful Love for one year.  This is called the MML Novitiate.  You will read a page a day from our book A Year of Merciful Love.

If, after one year has passed and you discern that you are called to the MML permanently, email us at and we will  help you make your permanent profession as a member of the Missionaries of Love. Step Six has a link to the Prayer of Permanent Commitment to the MML.

You can now make your Prayer of Permanent Commitment tthe Missionaries of Merciful Love.  
If possible, make  your commitment in a church with a priest as a witness and he can bless your cross.  You can buy an MML cross from us or choose any cross you want to wear as a sign of your profession.  You can print  the Prayer of Permanent Commitment to the MML and write the date  and church name where you will make your profession and then have the priest sign as a witness and you will sign your name also. 

Congratulations!  You are now a member of the Missionaries of Merciful Love. Now live out your vocation each day and follow the MML Members' Duties as listed on our website.   We look forward to joining with you on this spiritual journey!

Diving Mercy image copyright The Marians.
Used with permission. 
Missionaries of Merciful Love
God's Will, Simplicity, Prayer
Merciful Love