Day Twenty-Six
Ephesians 2: 4-6
But God, being rich in faithful love, through the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our sins, brought us to life with Christ - it is through grace that you have been saved - and raised us up with him and gave us a place with him in heaven, in Christ Jesus.
God is not poor: He is infinitely rich, especially in love. God's love is faithful: He does not stop loving us when we sin, but he gently calls us back to himself. Through the death and resurrection of Christ and our sharing in it through faith and baptism, we have been brought to life with Christ. This is a great work of God's grace. Not only that, but God has given each of us a place with him in heaven.
To live in sin is to be spiritually dead. God is in the business of raising the dead, however, and no one is beyond hope. We just need to reach out to the Lord with trust and ask him to help us and he will. Once again, God's love is faithful, never-ending and life-giving. We so often limit God's love or his patience with us and others. Jesus came to reveal the Father's love to the world, especially in laying down his life on the cross and raising it up again to save us from our sins.
Praise you, Lord, and thank you for your faithful and everlasting love. Even though I have so often sinned against you, you have never abandoned me, but called me to return, as a prodigal child, to my loving Father's embrace. I come to you today, spiritually poor, but trusting in your faithful love, in Jesus name.