Day Eleven
Missionaries of Merciful Love
"I have come to cast fire on the earth"
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Day Thirty-Eight

1 John 5:1-3

Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is a child of God, and whoever loves the father loves the son. In this way we know that we love God's children, when we love God and keep his commandments. This is what the love of God is: keeping his commandments.


If we love God, we will also love his children, that is, our brothers and sisters in Christ. Sometimes it is difficult to love someone when something about them irritates us, but we must, by the power of the Spirit, love them, pray for them and wish them all God's blessings. The Lord said we must even love our enemies, and pray for those who persecute us. This goes against our natural tendency to retaliate or become bitter.

The test of whether we truly love God is if we keep His commandments. Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my words." The words of the Lord are life-giving and will produce abundant fruit in our lives if we are faithful. God sees all. There is nothing we can hide from Him. We may be able to fool others, but the Lord knows our hearts. He is always there for us, to forgive, bless, heal and strengthen us and help us to truly love Him and one another. 


O Lord, enflame my cold heart with the warmth of your love. Enable me to truly love You will all my being and love my brothers and sisters as you have loved us.


Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven
Day Eight
Day Nine
Day Ten
Day Twelve
Day Thirteen
Day Fourteen
Day Fifteen
Day Sixteen
Day Seventeen
Day Eighteen 
Day Nineteen
Day Twenty
Day Twenty-One
Day Twenty-Two
Day Twenty-Three
Day Twenty-Four
Day Twenty-Five
Day Twenty-Six
Day Twenty-Seven
Day Twenty-Eight
Day Twenty-Nine
Day Thirty
Day Thirty-One
Day Thirty-Two
Day Thirty-Three
Day Thirty-Four
Day Thirty-Five
Day Thirty-Nine
Day Thirty-Six
Day Thirty-Seven
Day Thirty-Eight
Day Thirty-Nine
Divine Mercy image copyright The Marians.
Used with permission.