Day Eleven
Missionaries of Merciful Love
"I have come to cast fire on the earth"
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Day Thirty-Four

1 Thessalonians 1:2-3

We always thank God for you all, mentioning you in our prayers continually. We remember before our God and Father how active is the faith, how unsparing the love, how persevering the hope which you have from our Lord Jesus Christ.


The early Christians were, for the most part, "unsparing" in their love, i.e., they gave it there all to love the Lord and one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. It is so important that we pray for one another to remain in a union of love with Jesus and one another. To break this love is sin. Sin leads to death, both spiritually and physically.

Our faith, also, must be "active." It is not good enough just to attend church once a week and on the other days do nothing spiritually: no bible reading, no prayer, no evangelization. If we are not evangelizing that is a sign that our faith is either weak or completely out of commission. There is a saying that goes, "seven days without prayer makes one weak." Finally, we should thank God for each other and the gift each one is.


Lord, please give me a generous spirit, that I may express my faith, hope and love for you in concrete service to my brothers and sisters in the church and all those in the world. Use me as your messenger of love today and everyday.


Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven
Day Eight
Day Nine
Day Ten
Day Twelve
Day Thirteen
Day Fourteen
Day Fifteen
Day Sixteen
Day Seventeen
Day Eighteen 
Day Nineteen
Day Twenty
Day Twenty-One
Day Twenty-Two
Day Twenty-Three
Day Twenty-Four
Day Twenty-Five
Day Twenty-Six
Day Twenty-Seven
Day Twenty-Eight
Day Twenty-Nine
Day Thirty
Day Thirty-One
Day Thirty-Two
Day Thirty-Three
Day Thirty-Four
Day Thirty-Five
Day Thirty-Five
Divine Mercy image copyright The Marians.
Used with permission.